Fingerprint detection in the mid-infrared region based on guided-mode resonance and phonon-polariton coupling of analyte

Mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy is an effective method for detecting analyte fingerprints without labeling, but the inherent loss of metals in current methods is a main issue. Here, a sensing scheme was proposed that uses an all-dielectric grating metasurface and angular scanning of polarized light, and then it was verified by numerical simulation. The proposed fingerprint detection scheme could effectively couple a guided-mode resonance spectrum peak with the characteristic peak of the analyte's phonon-polariton in the mid-infrared region, significantly enhancing the interaction between light and the analyte. The novel scheme would realize broadband enhancement to detect a variety of substances, and facilitate mid-infrared sensing and analysis of trace substances. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
Funding Information
  • Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2020J01712)
  • Xiamen Marine and Fishery Development Special Fund (20CZB014HJ03)
  • Innovation Fund for Young Scientists of Xiamen under Grant (3502Z20206021)
  • Youth Talent Support Program of Jimei University (ZR2019002)
  • the Second Youth Talent Support Program of Fujian Province
  • Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Fujian Province (2020J06025)
  • the Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology (2019H0022)