Dichotomizing algorithms of diagnostics and reconfiguration of the navigation system which process indicators of inertial, satellite and optical subsystems in real time for typical types of refusals are considered in the work. The given approach provides majority diagnostics of measuring system with system and hardware redundancy at a minimum necessary set of sensors. The main idea of a method is the comparative analysis of all measuring subsystems behind reference value. The reference value is the parameter which is synthesized from all diagnosable subsystems, in this work – a course corner. When obtaining the only parameter by gages of the different nature it is possible to provide firmness of an algorithm. Also reasonably the possibility of the introduction of optical systems with the use of algorithms of computer sight for ensuring system redundancy of the navigation system is described. The system is intended for identification only of one type of refusal for a unit of time. A positive factor of an invention is the universality that allows using system on any operating small autonomous aircraft. For the introduction of a system, there is no requirement in finishing the hardware. Use of system of failure diagnostics will reduce the risk of loss of the aircraft when performing a task, will increase its efficiency and accuracy of indicators. As a result of researches, the algorithmic dependence of signals of the navigation system was established that allowed to make the analysis and diagnostics with the following renewal of the lost parameter thanks to system and hardware redundancy of devices. Practical use of the system in actual practice with an influence of artificially created obstacles and noise is shown. Developments in area of aircraft safety are necessary due to the need for an increase in level, at the emergence of emergency situations