溃坝洪水对下游桥梁安全影响重大。本文以实际工程设计为案例,以溃坝经验公式、曼宁公式和水位流量关系曲线为工具,通过对经验公式有关参数及边界条件的分析和率定,计算溃坝流量,根据洪水演变规律,采用两种方法推算下游桥址断面最高洪水位和洪峰传播时间,为桥梁防洪安全设计提供重要依据。文中的思路和方法,对缺乏水文资料地区溃坝洪水计算具有一定参考与借鉴价值。 The dam break flood has a major impact on the safety of downstream bridges. This paper takes actual engineering design as a case, uses dam-break empirical formula, Manning’s formula, and water level-discharge relationship curve as tools, and calculates the dam-break discharge by analyzing and calibrating the relevant parameters and boundary conditions of the empirical formula. According to the law of flood evolution, two methods are used to calculate the highest flood level and peak propagation time of the downstream bridge site section, and provide an important basis for the design of bridge flood control safety. This study has reference value for the calculation of dam-break flood in areas lacking hydrological data.

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