本文将在对电网多经企业发展现状的分析基础上,在国家相关文件的指引下探讨电力多经企业可能的改革模式。本文将通过理论分析论述对多经企业进行产权改革的必要性,并就其与电网公司建立利益共享机制的合理性和必要性进行探讨,并由此构建电力多经企业的股权重组方案,并提出相应的政策建议。 In this paper, based on the analysis of the state of the electric power multi-industry enterprises, the possible reform mode of the electric power multi-industry enterprises will be discussed under the guidance of relevant national documents. This paper will discuss the necessity of property right reform for the electric power multi-industry enterprises through theoretical analysis, and discuss the rationality and necessity of establishing benefit sharing mechanism with power grid company, and then construct the equity restructuring plan for the electric power multi-industry enterprises, and put forward corresponding policy suggestions.