Student Responses in Biology Physics Courses Use Worksheets Based on Scientific Literacy

This article is limited to only having a focus to describe the student responses of student worksheets in Biology Physics courses to improve student scientific literacy. Student worksheets are seen as a product developed, and one of the aspects reviewed is the practicality in the context of the implementation of the worksheets in the classroom. Student responses will illustrate how practicality of the learning tool, namely the student worksheet used. The student responses of student worksheets seen based on the student response questionnaire stated in the category of very good, good, enough, poor, and not good. The responses were given by 30 students who took the Biology Physics course from the Physics Education Study Program at Lambung Mangkurat University. The conclusion from the results of this study is that the Student Worksheet is very good for improving scientific literacy in Biology Physics courses. Thus, the implementation of physics biology lectures using student worksheets that are developed in a way that benefits and performance as expected by students.