Management of the Development and Implementation of New Generation Technologies

Purpose: to justification of the need to develop new-generation domestic technologies that ensure the competitiveness and stability of the Russian economy to external challenges. Using the laws of accelerated development of various systems, objects and processes of the material world will allow us to construct a mechanism for analysis, decision-making and management of the justification, development and implementation of new generation technologies.Methods: the research method is based on the generalization of forecasting the accelerated development of various processes under the conditions of growth restrictions, methods for constructing targeted information-logic models, decision-making methods for justifying the costs of upgrading one-generation technology options and analyzing domestic and foreign technology development experience new generation.Results: within the space of creation and development of new generation technologies, in accordance with the well-known concept of the full life cycle, the process of development and implementation of new generation technologies in the form of a logistic curve has been specified. The solution to the problem of managing the creation of new generation technologies is presented as the fastest possible implementation of projects to search for innovative solutions that meet the requirements of competitiveness. Mathematical models of the formulated problem are considered. Examples of practical tasks for managing the development and development of new generation technologies are given.Conclusions and Relevance: the dynamics of development and the economic conditions for the transition to technology modernization are determined by the need for further development of new generation technologies in the interests of full use of the innovative potential of this generation. Information-logical and mathematical models have been developed for making decisions on managing the justification of the necessary resources for the implementation of projects in the full cycle during the transition from innovative solutions to new technologies and innovative products.