Tingkat Kesulitan Dinamis Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy pada Game Musik Tradisional Jawa Tengah

The culture in Indonesia is very diverse, one of which is traditional songs. However, knowledge of traditional songs is still small. Digital Games can spread knowledge about traditional songs, one of which is Central Javanese traditional songs. However, the Game that is made still has static difficulties, so the Game cannot follow the player's ability, resulting in the player feeling bored and not wanting to continue the Game. To generate dynamic difficulties, methods in artificial intelligence can be applied to Games, one of which is Fuzzy. So in this study proposed the application of dynamic difficulties using Fuzzy Logic in music Games / Rhythm Games. Fuzzy Logic is built based on mathematical values and represents uncertainty, where this logic imitates the human way of thinking. Fuzzy Logic can convert crisp input values into fuzzy sets by performing fuzzification. After the input value is converted, the input will be entered into the set of rules provided. Each rule produces a different output. After the process is complete, the output value will be converted back to the crisp output value. Based on the research conducted, it is found that Fuzzy Logic can be applied to music Games where the Game can follow the player's ability based on the given rules.