Low Power and High Speed Reversible R2B FFT using Reversible Gate for 5G Technology

Investigation accomplish in the communication, it has been realized that multi-carrier technique are more captivating for the enlargement of 5G system. The Tx and Rx end, both are used to transform for signal change one to another domain. This paper, radix-2 butterfly (R2B) FFT is implementing using programmable reversible gate (RG). The fundamental issue in utilizing irreversible gate is the loss of information because of the issue of heat dissipation, since the measure of amount of energy is relative to the quantity of bits erased. To beat this issue, RG are utilized, as they don't cause heat dissipation, and in this way there will be no loss of information. R2B FFT is whole process adder and sub-tractor. Reversible gate are used to RH (A/S) and RF (A/S) and implemented R2B FFT. All design is simulate Xilinx 14.2i and calculate reversible parameter.