Crises of Dalit Women in India

In Sanskrit, ‘‘Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devata' means that wherever a woman is worshipped, gods rejoice. This sholka represents the importance of women, and one can say, "Home is the first school, Mother is the first teacher," demonstrating the respect and value given to women. However, these words exist only in the form of letters and not in practise. It is a great tragedy that man is hesitant to use and accept her gratitude. When this is the case, discrimination is quite common in Dalit communities even today, and the Manuvadi attitude of discrimination against Dalit women is growing like anything else. There could be several reasons for this context. But you can always imagine upper-class communities viewing her as an object of prejudice, abusing her caste, discriminating against her caste, mischief, and reduction. This article attempted to review the social conflicts of Dalit women in India, with a focus on the unpleasant events of the time, such as raping, ignoring, disrespecting, intimidating, and so on.