Search engine optimization: From analysis based on an engineering meta-model towards integrative approaches

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website's position in the Internet search engine results. Firstly, this paper, by using an engineering meta-model, analyzes a range of different approaches discussed in the literature into a meta-model. This meta-model explains the key differences, and illustrates the relationships between them. Secondly, by clarifying the links between different models, the meta-model proposes to consider the SEO as a process to be designed rather than as a “combination” of techniques. This process has to integrate different models with the aim of improving and optimizing the SEO. Thirdly, two approaches are infered from this meta-model, and have been applied in a real situation. The results show that website ranking can be variable and fluctuating during the SEO process. It has to be an adaptive process which should be assisted by intelligent models and tools integrated in a holistic approach.

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