Study of consanguinity of the population of northern Morocco

Consanguinity is a matrimonial behavior that is much perpetuated in the Arabo-Muslim world. This behavior contributes to the impoverishment of the genetic heritage of populations by increasing the genetic homogeneity, influencing, thus, the state of the public health. Belonging to the Arabo-Muslim world, the North population of Morocco has been partially studied to characterize this matrimonial behavior from an anthropo-genetic point of view. Sample of 1588 couples belonging to the population of northern Morocco has been studied. The results showed a level of consanguinity very close to the national average (24.37%). Marriages between first cousins are most widespread among the other types of consanguineous unions (63.18%). Furthermore, specific features seem to characterize the practice of consanguinity in Morocco's northern region, which respond to many socioeconomic, cultural, historical and geographical factors.