The WWII German Heavy Artillery Battery AV 67 of Cleus Foz (Finistère-FR)

The reading of literature concerning the Atlantic Wall and of the previously published articles may have conveyed the concept that the German military structures of the Atlantic Wall were formed by Regelbauten (rule-built con-structions) (Rs). This concept is not totally wrong, but leads to neglect the im-portant role played by the verstärktenfeldmäΒigen Bauwerke (strengthened field constructions) (Vfs) normally included in said structures. The present article, concerning the visit of the site of the WW II German heavy artillery battery of Cleus Foz (Finistère-FR) and the discussion of its organization, show that the Vfs in this battery represented the majority of its bunkers, and in this way indicate how said concept should be corrected.

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