Ocular Motor Function in Children with Spastic Hemiplegia Evaluated by the Ocular Motor Score

Purpose: To assess the ocular motor functions in children with spastic hemiplegia by using the Ocular Motor Score (OMS). Material: This study included 34 children, median age 11 years. The children were divided into 3 groups according to the underlying brain lesion; group 1 malformations, group 2 white matter damage of immaturity (WMDI), and group 3 cortical/subcortical lesions. Methods: The OMS protocol consists of 15 different subtests evaluating ocular motor functions. The OMS is divided into 2 parts, a static and a dynamic. The results from each subtest are scored 0, 0.3, 0.5, or 1, according to the level of disturbance, where 0 corresponds to normal function and 1 represents the maximum disability in the certain subtest. A total OMS (tOMS) between 0 and 15 can be obtained. Results: The median tOMS in the whole spastic hemiplegia group was 2.5 (range 1.3–5.8). The highest median tOMS 5.2 was seen in group 1, in the children with malformations. Strabismus was found in 45% (15/34) of the children, with an equal percentage in all 3 groups. Conclusions: The children with spastic hemiplegia had a median tOMS of 2.7 and the highest median tOMS was seen in children with malformations. The OMS protocol is easy to use clinically and gives a quick overview of the patient´s ocular motor functions.